Sunday, July 19, 2009

Watchmen (R)

When this movie first hit theaters, I had no desire to see it. To be quite honest, I thought it looked like one of the LAST movies I'd ever want to see. It looked so corny and annoying from the trailer that I wanted to shoot myself each time I saw it. I never actually did see the movie...

...until tonight.

I honestly dreaded seeing it. The nearly three hour timestamp on the movie wasn't attractive at all, along with the fact that I already wasn't fond of what I saw from the trailer.

Throughout the first half hour of the movie, I was extremely tired. Not because of the movie, just because of my long day. After I had some soup while the movie was on pause, I quickly got into the story.

The characters have a lot more to them than I thought they would. Rorshach was a great character. Almost the "Joker" of the movie. (With The Comedian also being in the film, no pun intended) Dr. Manhattan was very deep, and I loved that about him. Everything he says in the movie are quotes that I will keep with me. I was surprised that the Comedian actually... well... I wont spoil it.

The two hour plus timestamp was worth it. Despite the last half hour making it seem like it ended six times. It was a great movie, and I will be making a future purchase.

Watchmen comes out on DVD this Tuedsay, July 21st!

1 comment:

  1. Read the graphic novel. It's so much better. Only if you like stories about how society is not what it should be... :]
